![Nextcloud Maps Geobookmarks Logo](/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher.png)
# Nextcloud Maps Geobookmarks Android app
(Always prefer [F-Droid](https://f-droid.org) build, when possible).
Android app to show your Nextcloud Maps geobookmarks list. Geobookmarks can be opened in all apps supporting geo links (i.e. Google Maps, Organic Maps etc...).
A new geobookmark can be created on current location.
**Requires Maps app to be installed on the Nextcloud instance.**
This work is heavily based on [matiasdelellis's Nextcloud SSO example](https://github.com/matiasdelellis/app-tutorial-android) to implement [Nextcloud single sign on](https://github.com/nextcloud/Android-SingleSignOn).
![Screenshot 1](screenshots/1.png) ![Screenshot 1](screenshots/2.png)
Download it from [the releases page](https://github.com/penguin86/nextcloud-maps-client/releases)