diff --git a/logisim/decoding_logic.circ b/pat80-computer/hardware/logisim/decoding_logic.circ
similarity index 100%
rename from logisim/decoding_logic.circ
rename to pat80-computer/hardware/logisim/decoding_logic.circ
diff --git a/assembly/applications/README.md b/pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/applications/README.md
similarity index 100%
rename from assembly/applications/README.md
rename to pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/applications/README.md
diff --git a/assembly/applications/brief/hello_world.asm b/pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/applications/brief/hello_world.asm
similarity index 100%
rename from assembly/applications/brief/hello_world.asm
rename to pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/applications/brief/hello_world.asm
diff --git a/assembly/applications/tests/hd44780_lcd_test_procedure.asm b/pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/applications/tests/hd44780_lcd_test_procedure.asm
similarity index 100%
rename from assembly/applications/tests/hd44780_lcd_test_procedure.asm
rename to pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/applications/tests/hd44780_lcd_test_procedure.asm
diff --git a/assembly/dev-headers/README.md b/pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/dev-headers/README.md
similarity index 100%
rename from assembly/dev-headers/README.md
rename to pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/dev-headers/README.md
diff --git a/assembly/dev-headers/monitor.asm b/pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/dev-headers/monitor.asm
similarity index 100%
rename from assembly/dev-headers/monitor.asm
rename to pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/dev-headers/monitor.asm
diff --git a/assembly/os/Makefile b/pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/os/Makefile
similarity index 100%
rename from assembly/os/Makefile
rename to pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/os/Makefile
diff --git a/assembly/os/README.md b/pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/os/README.md
similarity index 100%
rename from assembly/os/README.md
rename to pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/os/README.md
diff --git a/assembly/os/abi-generated.asm b/pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/os/abi-generated.asm
similarity index 100%
rename from assembly/os/abi-generated.asm
rename to pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/os/abi-generated.asm
diff --git a/assembly/os/drivers/arduino_terminal.asm b/pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/os/drivers/arduino_terminal.asm
similarity index 100%
rename from assembly/os/drivers/arduino_terminal.asm
rename to pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/os/drivers/arduino_terminal.asm
diff --git a/assembly/os/drivers/hd44780.asm b/pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/os/drivers/hd44780.asm
similarity index 100%
rename from assembly/os/drivers/hd44780.asm
rename to pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/os/drivers/hd44780.asm
diff --git a/assembly/os/drivers/keyboard.asm b/pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/os/drivers/keyboard.asm
similarity index 100%
rename from assembly/os/drivers/keyboard.asm
rename to pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/os/drivers/keyboard.asm
diff --git a/assembly/os/drivers/sn76489.asm b/pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/os/drivers/sn76489.asm
similarity index 100%
rename from assembly/os/drivers/sn76489.asm
rename to pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/os/drivers/sn76489.asm
diff --git a/assembly/os/drivers/vgax.asm b/pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/os/drivers/vgax.asm
similarity index 100%
rename from assembly/os/drivers/vgax.asm
rename to pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/os/drivers/vgax.asm
diff --git a/assembly/os/libs/strings.asm b/pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/os/libs/strings.asm
similarity index 100%
rename from assembly/os/libs/strings.asm
rename to pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/os/libs/strings.asm
diff --git a/assembly/os/libs/time.asm b/pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/os/libs/time.asm
similarity index 98%
rename from assembly/os/libs/time.asm
rename to pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/os/libs/time.asm
index f272ea6..f183cf2 100644
--- a/assembly/os/libs/time.asm
+++ b/pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/os/libs/time.asm
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ TIME_DUR_MILLIS: EQU 3
 ; Use 1 iteration as delay between I/O bus writes
 ; @param bc The number of iterations. Each iteration is 55 states long.
     bit     0,a    ; 8
     bit     0,a    ; 8
     bit     0,a    ; 8
diff --git a/assembly/os/main-dev.asm b/pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/os/main-dev.asm
similarity index 100%
rename from assembly/os/main-dev.asm
rename to pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/os/main-dev.asm
diff --git a/assembly/os/main.asm b/pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/os/main.asm
similarity index 95%
rename from assembly/os/main.asm
rename to pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/os/main.asm
index d43f86e..c688328 100644
--- a/assembly/os/main.asm
+++ b/pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/os/main.asm
@@ -104,4 +104,10 @@ Sysinit:
     ; Run memory monitor
     call Monitor_main
+    ; DEBUG: Echo chars
+    ; loop:
+    ;     call Term_readc
+    ;     call Term_printc
+    ;     jp loop
diff --git a/assembly/os/monitor.asm b/pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/os/monitor.asm
similarity index 100%
rename from assembly/os/monitor.asm
rename to pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/os/monitor.asm
diff --git a/assembly/os/tests/sndtest.asm b/pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/os/tests/sndtest.asm
similarity index 100%
rename from assembly/os/tests/sndtest.asm
rename to pat80-computer/software/z80-assembly/os/tests/sndtest.asm
diff --git a/pat80-io-devices/composite-pal-adapter/software/avr-assembly/Makefile b/pat80-io-devices/composite-pal-adapter/software/avr-assembly/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ea2994
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pat80-io-devices/composite-pal-adapter/software/avr-assembly/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+	@echo "Building pal adapter rom..."
+	@avra main.asm
+	@echo "Writing to ATMEGA1284..."
+	@minipro -w main.hex -p ATMEGA1284
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pat80-io-devices/composite-pal-adapter/software/avr-assembly/atmega1284definition.asm b/pat80-io-devices/composite-pal-adapter/software/avr-assembly/atmega1284definition.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfbc22d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pat80-io-devices/composite-pal-adapter/software/avr-assembly/atmega1284definition.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+; ***** I/O REGISTER DEFINITIONS *****************************************
+; NOTE:
+; Definitions marked "MEMORY MAPPED"are extended I/O ports
+; and cannot be used with IN/OUT instructions
+.equ	UDR1	= 0xce	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	UBRR1L	= 0xcc	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	UBRR1H	= 0xcd	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	UCSR1C	= 0xca	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	UCSR1B	= 0xc9	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	UCSR1A	= 0xc8	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	UDR0	= 0xc6	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	UBRR0L	= 0xc4	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	UBRR0H	= 0xc5	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	UCSR0C	= 0xc2	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	UCSR0B	= 0xc1	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	UCSR0A	= 0xc0	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	TWAMR	= 0xbd	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	TWCR	= 0xbc	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	TWDR	= 0xbb	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	TWAR	= 0xba	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	TWSR	= 0xb9	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	TWBR	= 0xb8	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	ASSR	= 0xb6	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	OCR2B	= 0xb4	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	OCR2A	= 0xb3	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	TCNT2	= 0xb2	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	TCCR2B	= 0xb1	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	TCCR2A	= 0xb0	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	OCR3BL	= 0x9a	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	OCR3BH	= 0x9b	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	OCR3AL	= 0x98	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	OCR3AH	= 0x99	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	ICR3L	= 0x96	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	ICR3H	= 0x97	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	TCNT3L	= 0x94	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	TCNT3H	= 0x95	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	TCCR3C	= 0x92	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	TCCR3B	= 0x91	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	TCCR3A	= 0x90	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	OCR1BL	= 0x8a	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	OCR1BH	= 0x8b	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	OCR1AL	= 0x88	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	OCR1AH	= 0x89	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	ICR1L	= 0x86	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	ICR1H	= 0x87	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	TCNT1L	= 0x84	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	TCNT1H	= 0x85	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	TCCR1C	= 0x82	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	TCCR1B	= 0x81	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	TCCR1A	= 0x80	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	DIDR1	= 0x7f	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	DIDR0	= 0x7e	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	ADMUX	= 0x7c	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	ADCH	= 0x79	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	ADCL	= 0x78	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	PCMSK3	= 0x73	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	TIMSK3	= 0x71	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	TIMSK2	= 0x70	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	TIMSK1	= 0x6f	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	TIMSK0	= 0x6e	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	PCMSK2	= 0x6d	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	PCMSK1	= 0x6c	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	PCMSK0	= 0x6b	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	EICRA	= 0x69	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	PCICR	= 0x68	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	PRR1	= 0x65	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	PRR0	= 0x64	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	CLKPR	= 0x61	; MEMORY MAPPED
+.equ	SREG	= 0x3f
+.equ	SPL	= 0x3d
+.equ	SPH	= 0x3e
+.equ	RAMPZ	= 0x3b
+.equ	SPMCSR	= 0x37
+.equ	MCUCR	= 0x35
+.equ	MCUSR	= 0x34
+.equ	SMCR	= 0x33
+.equ	OCDR	= 0x31
+.equ	ACSR	= 0x30
+.equ	SPDR	= 0x2e
+.equ	SPSR	= 0x2d
+.equ	SPCR	= 0x2c
+.equ	GPIOR2	= 0x2b
+.equ	GPIOR1	= 0x2a
+.equ	OCR0B	= 0x28
+.equ	OCR0A	= 0x27
+.equ	TCNT0	= 0x26
+.equ	TCCR0B	= 0x25
+.equ	TCCR0A	= 0x24
+.equ	GTCCR	= 0x23
+.equ	EEARH	= 0x22
+.equ	EEARL	= 0x21
+.equ	EEDR	= 0x20
+.equ	EECR	= 0x1f
+.equ	GPIOR0	= 0x1e
+.equ	EIMSK	= 0x1d
+.equ	EIFR	= 0x1c
+.equ	PCIFR	= 0x1b
+.equ	TIFR3	= 0x18
+.equ	TIFR2	= 0x17
+.equ	TIFR1	= 0x16
+.equ	TIFR0	= 0x15
+.equ	PORTD	= 0x0b
+.equ	DDRD	= 0x0a
+.equ	PIND	= 0x09
+.equ	PORTC	= 0x08
+.equ	DDRC	= 0x07
+.equ	PINC	= 0x06
+.equ	PORTB	= 0x05
+.equ	DDRB	= 0x04
+.equ	PINB	= 0x03
+.equ	PORTA	= 0x02
+.equ	DDRA	= 0x01
+.equ	PINA	= 0x00
+; ***** PORTA ************************
+; PORTA - Port A Data Register
+.equ	PORTA0	= 0	; Port A Data Register bit 0
+.equ	PA0	= 0	; For compatibility
+.equ	PORTA1	= 1	; Port A Data Register bit 1
+.equ	PA1	= 1	; For compatibility
+.equ	PORTA2	= 2	; Port A Data Register bit 2
+.equ	PA2	= 2	; For compatibility
+.equ	PORTA3	= 3	; Port A Data Register bit 3
+.equ	PA3	= 3	; For compatibility
+.equ	PORTA4	= 4	; Port A Data Register bit 4
+.equ	PA4	= 4	; For compatibility
+.equ	PORTA5	= 5	; Port A Data Register bit 5
+.equ	PA5	= 5	; For compatibility
+.equ	PORTA6	= 6	; Port A Data Register bit 6
+.equ	PA6	= 6	; For compatibility
+.equ	PORTA7	= 7	; Port A Data Register bit 7
+.equ	PA7	= 7	; For compatibility
+; DDRA - Port A Data Direction Register
+.equ	DDA0	= 0	; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 0
+.equ	DDA1	= 1	; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 1
+.equ	DDA2	= 2	; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 2
+.equ	DDA3	= 3	; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 3
+.equ	DDA4	= 4	; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 4
+.equ	DDA5	= 5	; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 5
+.equ	DDA6	= 6	; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 6
+.equ	DDA7	= 7	; Data Direction Register, Port A, bit 7
+; PINA - Port A Input Pins
+.equ	PINA0	= 0	; Input Pins, Port A bit 0
+.equ	PINA1	= 1	; Input Pins, Port A bit 1
+.equ	PINA2	= 2	; Input Pins, Port A bit 2
+.equ	PINA3	= 3	; Input Pins, Port A bit 3
+.equ	PINA4	= 4	; Input Pins, Port A bit 4
+.equ	PINA5	= 5	; Input Pins, Port A bit 5
+.equ	PINA6	= 6	; Input Pins, Port A bit 6
+.equ	PINA7	= 7	; Input Pins, Port A bit 7
+; ***** PORTB ************************
+; PORTB - Port B Data Register
+.equ	PORTB0	= 0	; Port B Data Register bit 0
+.equ	PB0	= 0	; For compatibility
+.equ	PORTB1	= 1	; Port B Data Register bit 1
+.equ	PB1	= 1	; For compatibility
+.equ	PORTB2	= 2	; Port B Data Register bit 2
+.equ	PB2	= 2	; For compatibility
+.equ	PORTB3	= 3	; Port B Data Register bit 3
+.equ	PB3	= 3	; For compatibility
+.equ	PORTB4	= 4	; Port B Data Register bit 4
+.equ	PB4	= 4	; For compatibility
+.equ	PORTB5	= 5	; Port B Data Register bit 5
+.equ	PB5	= 5	; For compatibility
+.equ	PORTB6	= 6	; Port B Data Register bit 6
+.equ	PB6	= 6	; For compatibility
+.equ	PORTB7	= 7	; Port B Data Register bit 7
+.equ	PB7	= 7	; For compatibility
+; DDRB - Port B Data Direction Register
+.equ	DDB0	= 0	; Port B Data Direction Register bit 0
+.equ	DDB1	= 1	; Port B Data Direction Register bit 1
+.equ	DDB2	= 2	; Port B Data Direction Register bit 2
+.equ	DDB3	= 3	; Port B Data Direction Register bit 3
+.equ	DDB4	= 4	; Port B Data Direction Register bit 4
+.equ	DDB5	= 5	; Port B Data Direction Register bit 5
+.equ	DDB6	= 6	; Port B Data Direction Register bit 6
+.equ	DDB7	= 7	; Port B Data Direction Register bit 7
+; PINB - Port B Input Pins
+.equ	PINB0	= 0	; Port B Input Pins bit 0
+.equ	PINB1	= 1	; Port B Input Pins bit 1
+.equ	PINB2	= 2	; Port B Input Pins bit 2
+.equ	PINB3	= 3	; Port B Input Pins bit 3
+.equ	PINB4	= 4	; Port B Input Pins bit 4
+.equ	PINB5	= 5	; Port B Input Pins bit 5
+.equ	PINB6	= 6	; Port B Input Pins bit 6
+.equ	PINB7	= 7	; Port B Input Pins bit 7
+; ***** PORTC ************************
+; PORTC - Port C Data Register
+.equ	PORTC0	= 0	; Port C Data Register bit 0
+.equ	PC0	= 0	; For compatibility
+.equ	PORTC1	= 1	; Port C Data Register bit 1
+.equ	PC1	= 1	; For compatibility
+.equ	PORTC2	= 2	; Port C Data Register bit 2
+.equ	PC2	= 2	; For compatibility
+.equ	PORTC3	= 3	; Port C Data Register bit 3
+.equ	PC3	= 3	; For compatibility
+.equ	PORTC4	= 4	; Port C Data Register bit 4
+.equ	PC4	= 4	; For compatibility
+.equ	PORTC5	= 5	; Port C Data Register bit 5
+.equ	PC5	= 5	; For compatibility
+.equ	PORTC6	= 6	; Port C Data Register bit 6
+.equ	PC6	= 6	; For compatibility
+.equ	PORTC7	= 7	; Port C Data Register bit 7
+.equ	PC7	= 7	; For compatibility
+; DDRC - Port C Data Direction Register
+.equ	DDC0	= 0	; Port C Data Direction Register bit 0
+.equ	DDC1	= 1	; Port C Data Direction Register bit 1
+.equ	DDC2	= 2	; Port C Data Direction Register bit 2
+.equ	DDC3	= 3	; Port C Data Direction Register bit 3
+.equ	DDC4	= 4	; Port C Data Direction Register bit 4
+.equ	DDC5	= 5	; Port C Data Direction Register bit 5
+.equ	DDC6	= 6	; Port C Data Direction Register bit 6
+.equ	DDC7	= 7	; Port C Data Direction Register bit 7
+; PINC - Port C Input Pins
+.equ	PINC0	= 0	; Port C Input Pins bit 0
+.equ	PINC1	= 1	; Port C Input Pins bit 1
+.equ	PINC2	= 2	; Port C Input Pins bit 2
+.equ	PINC3	= 3	; Port C Input Pins bit 3
+.equ	PINC4	= 4	; Port C Input Pins bit 4
+.equ	PINC5	= 5	; Port C Input Pins bit 5
+.equ	PINC6	= 6	; Port C Input Pins bit 6
+.equ	PINC7	= 7	; Port C Input Pins bit 7
+; ***** PORTD ************************
+; PORTD - Port D Data Register
+.equ	PORTD0	= 0	; Port D Data Register bit 0
+.equ	PD0	= 0	; For compatibility
+.equ	PORTD1	= 1	; Port D Data Register bit 1
+.equ	PD1	= 1	; For compatibility
+.equ	PORTD2	= 2	; Port D Data Register bit 2
+.equ	PD2	= 2	; For compatibility
+.equ	PORTD3	= 3	; Port D Data Register bit 3
+.equ	PD3	= 3	; For compatibility
+.equ	PORTD4	= 4	; Port D Data Register bit 4
+.equ	PD4	= 4	; For compatibility
+.equ	PORTD5	= 5	; Port D Data Register bit 5
+.equ	PD5	= 5	; For compatibility
+.equ	PORTD6	= 6	; Port D Data Register bit 6
+.equ	PD6	= 6	; For compatibility
+.equ	PORTD7	= 7	; Port D Data Register bit 7
+.equ	PD7	= 7	; For compatibility
+; DDRD - Port D Data Direction Register
+.equ	DDD0	= 0	; Port D Data Direction Register bit 0
+.equ	DDD1	= 1	; Port D Data Direction Register bit 1
+.equ	DDD2	= 2	; Port D Data Direction Register bit 2
+.equ	DDD3	= 3	; Port D Data Direction Register bit 3
+.equ	DDD4	= 4	; Port D Data Direction Register bit 4
+.equ	DDD5	= 5	; Port D Data Direction Register bit 5
+.equ	DDD6	= 6	; Port D Data Direction Register bit 6
+.equ	DDD7	= 7	; Port D Data Direction Register bit 7
+; PIND - Port D Input Pins
+.equ	PIND0	= 0	; Port D Input Pins bit 0
+.equ	PIND1	= 1	; Port D Input Pins bit 1
+.equ	PIND2	= 2	; Port D Input Pins bit 2
+.equ	PIND3	= 3	; Port D Input Pins bit 3
+.equ	PIND4	= 4	; Port D Input Pins bit 4
+.equ	PIND5	= 5	; Port D Input Pins bit 5
+.equ	PIND6	= 6	; Port D Input Pins bit 6
+.equ	PIND7	= 7	; Port D Input Pins bit 7
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pat80-io-devices/composite-pal-adapter/software/avr-assembly/main.asm b/pat80-io-devices/composite-pal-adapter/software/avr-assembly/main.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e04c42f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pat80-io-devices/composite-pal-adapter/software/avr-assembly/main.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+.include "atmega1284definition.asm"
+; define constant
+.equ LED_PIN = PD7			; use PD7 as LED pin
+; start vector
+.org 0x0000
+	rjmp	main			; jump to main label
+; main program
+	sbi	DDRD, LED_PIN		; set LED pin as output
+	sbic	PIND, LED_PIN		; if bit of LED pin is clear, skip next line
+ 	cbi	PORTD, LED_PIN		; if 1, turn the LED off
+	sbis	PIND, LED_PIN		; if bit of LED pin is set, skip next line
+ 	sbi	PORTD, LED_PIN		; if 0, light the LED up
+	ldi	r20, 32			; set register, r20 = 32
+	ldi	r19, 64			; set register, r19 = 64
+	ldi	r18, 128		; set register, r18 = 128
+	dec	r18			; decrement register, r18 = r18 - 1
+	brne	delay0			; if r18 != 0, jump to label delay0
+	dec	r19			; decrement register, r19 = r19 -1
+	brne	delay1			; if r19 != 0, jump to label delay1
+	dec	r20			; decrement register, r20 = r20 -1
+	brne	delay2			; if r20 != 0, jump to label delay2
+	rjmp	loop			; if r20 == 0, jump to label loop
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pat80-io-devices/composite-pal-adapter/software/avr-assembly/main.cof b/pat80-io-devices/composite-pal-adapter/software/avr-assembly/main.cof
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/pat80-io-devices/composite-pal-adapter/software/avr-assembly/main.eep.hex b/pat80-io-devices/composite-pal-adapter/software/avr-assembly/main.eep.hex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1996e8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pat80-io-devices/composite-pal-adapter/software/avr-assembly/main.eep.hex
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/pat80-io-devices/composite-pal-adapter/software/avr-assembly/main.hex b/pat80-io-devices/composite-pal-adapter/software/avr-assembly/main.hex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea269f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pat80-io-devices/composite-pal-adapter/software/avr-assembly/main.hex
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/pat80-io-devices/composite-pal-adapter/software/avr-assembly/main.obj b/pat80-io-devices/composite-pal-adapter/software/avr-assembly/main.obj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2d9bd4
Binary files /dev/null and b/pat80-io-devices/composite-pal-adapter/software/avr-assembly/main.obj differ
diff --git a/arduino/arduino_terminal/arduino_terminal.ino b/pat80-io-devices/parallel-terminal/arduino/arduino_terminal/arduino_terminal.ino
similarity index 100%
rename from arduino/arduino_terminal/arduino_terminal.ino
rename to pat80-io-devices/parallel-terminal/arduino/arduino_terminal/arduino_terminal.ino
diff --git a/python/terminal_emulator.py b/pat80-io-devices/parallel-terminal/python/terminal_emulator.py
similarity index 96%
rename from python/terminal_emulator.py
rename to pat80-io-devices/parallel-terminal/python/terminal_emulator.py
index 18ed302..23e140f 100755
--- a/python/terminal_emulator.py
+++ b/pat80-io-devices/parallel-terminal/python/terminal_emulator.py
@@ -91,9 +91,11 @@ class TerminalEmulator:
             with open(path, "rb") as f:
                 byte = f.read(1)
                 while byte:
+                    # Check if terminal interface (Arduino) is busy
+                    ser.write(b'\x01')  # COMMAND_BUFFER
+                    ser.read()
                     byte = f.read(1)
-                    time.sleep(self.SYNC_SLEEP)
         except IOError as e:
diff --git a/arduino/SN76489-test/SN76489-test.ino b/prototiping-with-arduino/SN76489-test/SN76489-test.ino
similarity index 100%
rename from arduino/SN76489-test/SN76489-test.ino
rename to prototiping-with-arduino/SN76489-test/SN76489-test.ino
diff --git a/arduino/eeprom_programmer/eeprom_programmer/eeprom_programmer.ino b/prototiping-with-arduino/eeprom_programmer/eeprom_programmer/eeprom_programmer.ino
similarity index 100%
rename from arduino/eeprom_programmer/eeprom_programmer/eeprom_programmer.ino
rename to prototiping-with-arduino/eeprom_programmer/eeprom_programmer/eeprom_programmer.ino
diff --git a/arduino/hd44780_debugger/hd44780_debugger.ino b/prototiping-with-arduino/hd44780_debugger/hd44780_debugger.ino
similarity index 100%
rename from arduino/hd44780_debugger/hd44780_debugger.ino
rename to prototiping-with-arduino/hd44780_debugger/hd44780_debugger.ino
diff --git a/arduino/pal_adapter/pal_adapter.ino b/prototiping-with-arduino/pal_adapter/pal_adapter.ino
similarity index 100%
rename from arduino/pal_adapter/pal_adapter.ino
rename to prototiping-with-arduino/pal_adapter/pal_adapter.ino
diff --git a/arduino/sdcard-test/sdcard-test.ino b/prototiping-with-arduino/sdcard-test/sdcard-test.ino
similarity index 100%
rename from arduino/sdcard-test/sdcard-test.ino
rename to prototiping-with-arduino/sdcard-test/sdcard-test.ino
diff --git a/arduino/z80_debugger/z80_debugger.ino b/prototiping-with-arduino/z80_debugger/z80_debugger.ino
similarity index 100%
rename from arduino/z80_debugger/z80_debugger.ino
rename to prototiping-with-arduino/z80_debugger/z80_debugger.ino