; Arduino terminal driver ; @author Daniele Verducci ; @language: Z80 ASM ; ; ; This file is part of Pat80 Memory Monitor. ; ; Pat80 Memory Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; Pat80 Memory Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with Pat80 Memory Monitor. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ; config (IO port 0) TERM_DATA_REG: EQU IO_0 TERM_DATA_AVAIL_REG: EQU IO_0 + 1 ; variables TERM_VAR_SPACE: EQU DRV_VAR_SPACE + 128 incoming_string: EQU TERM_VAR_SPACE ; functions ; Sends string ; @param BC Pointer to a null-terminated string first character Term_print: ld a, (bc) ; bc is the pointer to passed string's first char cp 0 ; compare A content with 0 (subtract 0 from value and set zero flag Z if result is 0) ret z ; if prev compare is true (Z flag set), string is finished, return out (TERM_DATA_REG),a ; output char inc bc ; increment bc to move to next char jp Term_print ; Writes a single character ; @param A Value of character to print Term_printc: out (TERM_DATA_REG),a ret ; Reads a single character. 0s are ignored (can be used with keyboard). ; Doesn't check DATA_AVAILABLE register of parallel port, because a 0 byte ; is ignored anyway (it represents the ASCII NUL control char). ; @return A The read character Term_readc: in a, (TERM_DATA_REG) ; reads a character add a, 0 jp z, Term_readc ; if char is 0 (NULL), ignores it and waits for another character ret ; if not NULL, returns it in the a register ; Reads a line. 0s are ignored (can be used with keyboard) ; Doesn't check DATA_AVAILABLE register of parallel port, because a 0 byte ; is ignored anyway (it represents the ASCII NUL control char). ; @return BC The pointer to a null-terminated read string Term_readline: ld bc, incoming_string ; this array will contain read string in a, (TERM_DATA_REG) ; reads a character ; if char is 0 (ascii NULL), ignore it add a, 0 jp z, Term_readline ; if 0 (= ascii NULL), ignores it and waits for another character ; if char is a newline (CR or LF), line is finished. cp 10 ; CR jp z, term_readline_foundcr ; Found newline. Jump to term_readline_foundcr cp 13 ; LF jp z, term_readline_foundcr ; Found newline. Jump to term_readline_foundcr ; At this point the read character is a valid ascii character ld (bc), a ; adds char to the read string inc bc ; point to next array position jp Term_readline term_readline_foundcr: ; called when carriage return was found (end of line) ;ld (bc), 0 ; Null-terminate string ld bc, incoming_string ; Returns read string pointer ret ; Reads the first available byte on the serial port using the DATA register. ; Waits for the Terminal DATA_AVAILABLE register to be non-zero before reading. ; 0s are not ignored (cannot be used with keyboard) ; Affects NO condition bits! ; @return the available byte, even if 0 Term_readb: in a, (TERM_DATA_AVAIL_REG) cp 0 jp z, Term_readb in a, (TERM_DATA_REG) ; reads a byte ret