jp Sysinit ; Startup vector: DO NOT MOVE! Must be the first instruction ; Pat80 BIOS v0.01 ; @author: Daniele Verducci ; @language: Z80 ASM ; ; ; This file is part of Pat80 Memory Monitor. ; ; Pat80 Memory Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; Pat80 Memory Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with Pat80 Memory Monitor. If not, see . ; ; ; MEMORY MAP ; ROM is at 0x0000 ; RAM is at 0x8000 ; SYSTEM VAR SPACE: 0x8000 - 0x8FFF (4kb) ; DRIVERS VAR SPACE: 0x9000 - 0x9FFF (4kb) ; APPLICATION VAR SPACE: 0xA000 - 0xFFFF (24kb) ; I/O MAP ; I/O 0 (0x00 - 0x1F) Parallel terminal (uses addr 0x00 and 0x01) ; I/O 1 (0x20 - 0x3F) Sound card (uses addr 0x20 only) ; I/O 2 (0x40 - 0x5F) 40x4 LCD, first controller (lines 1 and 2) ; I/O 3 (0x60 - 0x7F) 40x4 LCD, second controller (lines 3 and 4) ; I/O 4 (0x80 - 0x9F) ; I/O 5 (0xA0 - 0xBF) ; I/O 6 (0xC0 - 0xDF) ; I/O 7 (0xE0 - 0xFF) ; **** RESET/INTERRUPT VECTOR **** ; Maskable interrupt mode 1: when the BREAK key is pressed, ; a maskable interrupt is generated and the CPU jumps to this address. ; In this way, BREAK key brings up memory monitor at any time. ds 0x38 di ; Disable maskable interrupts. exx ; exchange registers ex af, af' jp Monitor_main ; **** SYSTEM CALLS **** ; System calls provide access to low level functions (input from keyboard, output to screen etc). ; The name starts always with Sys_ ds 0x40 ; Place system calls after Z80 reset/interrupt subroutines space ; Returns ABI version. ; (ABI -> ; Any Pat80 application should check the ABI version on startup, and refuse to run if not compatible. ; @return bc the ABI version Sys_ABI: ld bc, 0 ret ; Prints string ; @param BC Pointer to a null-terminated string first character Sys_Print: jp Term_print ; Writes a single character ; @param A Value of character to print Sys_Printc: jp Term_printc ; Reads a single character ; @return A The read character Sys_Readc: jp Term_readc ;jp PS2Keyb_readc ; Reads a line ; @return BC The pointer to a null-terminated read string Sys_Readline: jp Term_readline ; Emits system beep Sys_Beep: jp Snd_beep ; MEMORY CONFIGURATION SYS_VAR_SPACE: EQU 0x8000 ; OS may allocate here memory for its own use DRV_VAR_SPACE: EQU 0x9000 ; IO devices drivers may allocate here memory, each has a chunk of 512 bytes DRV_IO_0_VAR_SPACE: EQU DRV_VAR_SPACE DRV_IO_1_VAR_SPACE: EQU DRV_IO_0_VAR_SPACE + 512 DRV_IO_2_VAR_SPACE: EQU DRV_IO_1_VAR_SPACE + 512 DRV_IO_3_VAR_SPACE: EQU DRV_IO_2_VAR_SPACE + 512 DRV_IO_4_VAR_SPACE: EQU DRV_IO_3_VAR_SPACE + 512 DRV_IO_5_VAR_SPACE: EQU DRV_IO_4_VAR_SPACE + 512 DRV_IO_6_VAR_SPACE: EQU DRV_IO_5_VAR_SPACE + 512 DRV_IO_7_VAR_SPACE: EQU DRV_IO_6_VAR_SPACE + 512 APP_SPACE: EQU 0xA000 ; App may only allocate between there and MEM_END MEM_END: EQU 0xFFFF ; DEVICES ("cards" on the IO bus) I/O space IO_0: EQU 0x00 IO_1: EQU 0x20 IO_2: EQU 0x40 IO_3: EQU 0x60 IO_4: EQU 0x80 IO_5: EQU 0xA0 IO_6: EQU 0xC0 IO_7: EQU 0xE0 ;include 'drivers/hd44780.asm' ;include 'drivers/keyboard.asm' ;include 'drivers/ps2_keyboard.asm' include 'drivers/arduino_terminal.asm' include 'drivers/sn76489.asm' include 'monitor.asm' include 'libs/time.asm' ;include 'tests/sndtest.asm' ; **** SYSTEM INITIALIZATION **** Sysinit: ; Init snd driver call Snd_init ; Init video ; TODO ; Wait for audio amp to unmute ld bc, TIME_DUR_SECOND call Time_delay55 ; Play startup sound call Sys_Beep ; Run memory monitor ei ; enable maskabpe interrupts im 1 ; set interrupt mode 1 (on interrupt jumps to 0x38) rst 0x38 ; throw fake interrupt: jump to interrupt routine to start monitor ; Keyboard test ; ld a, 0x3E ; call Sys_Printc ; ktestloop: ; call Sys_Readc ; call Sys_Printc ; ld a, 46 ; call Sys_Printc ; jp ktestloop ; User exited from memory monitor without loading a program. Do nothing. mloop: ; Main loop: do nothing. jp mloop ; DEBUG: Echo chars ; loop: ; call Term_readc ; call Term_printc ; jp loop