Added two checks, better error reporting

This commit is contained in:
Daniele Verducci (Slimpenguin) 2022-04-07 08:50:54 +02:00
parent 73cf1e3984
commit af9cbbf393
2 changed files with 52 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ MAILTO=root@localhost, user@localhost
# Every health check is based on a command being executed, its result being parsed with a regexp
# to extract (as a single group) the numeric or string value, and the value being compared with
# a configured value. This checks are ready to be used, just enable the ones you need.
# You can add your own custom check declaring another section like this:
# [my_custom_check_name]
@ -55,6 +57,12 @@ MAILTO=root@localhost, user@localhost
# COMMAND=/my/custom/binary --with parameters
# REGEXP=my regex to parse (awesome|disappointing) command output
# First test your custom command executing it in the command line
# Take the text output and write a regex to match it. Check every case:
# success result, error result, command failure. Then paste the command
# and regex in this config, enable the check and run to verify is working.
# The system load average in the last minute
@ -63,6 +71,7 @@ ALARM_VALUE_MORE_THAN=1.0
REGEXP=.*load average: (\d+[,.]\d+), \d+[,.]\d+, \d+[,.]\d+
# The system load average in the last 5 minutes
@ -70,6 +79,7 @@ ALARM_VALUE_MORE_THAN=1.0
REGEXP=.*load average: \d+[,.]\d+, (\d+[,.]\d+), \d+[,.]\d+
# The system load average in the last 15 minutes
@ -77,6 +87,7 @@ ALARM_VALUE_MORE_THAN=1.0
REGEXP=.*load average: \d+[,.]\d+, \d+[,.]\d+, (\d+[,.]\d+)
# Used disk space (in percent, i.e. ALARM_VALUE_MORE_THAN=75 -> alarm if disk is more than 75% full)
@ -84,6 +95,7 @@ ALARM_VALUE_MORE_THAN=75
COMMAND=df -h /dev/sda1
# Issues an alarm when the raid is corrupted
# Checks this part of the /proc/mdstat file:
@ -95,6 +107,7 @@ ALARM_STRING_NOT_EQUAL=UU
COMMAND=cat /proc/mdstat
REGEXP=.*\] \[([U_]+)\]\n
# Issues an alarm when battery is discharging below a certain level (long blackout, pulled power cord...)
# For laptops used as servers, apparently common among the self hosters. Requires acpi package installed.
@ -104,6 +117,7 @@ COMMAND=acpi -b
REGEXP=Battery \d: .*, (\d{1,3})%
# Issues an alarm when laptop charger is disconnected
# For laptops used as servers, apparently common among the self hosters. Requires acpi package installed.
@ -112,6 +126,7 @@ COMMAND=acpi -a
REGEXP=Adapter \d: (.+)
# Free ram in %
# Shows another approach: does all the computation in the command and picks up
@ -120,12 +135,14 @@ DISABLED=True
COMMAND=free | grep Mem | awk '{print int($4/$2 * 100.0)}'
# Like Free ram, but shows available instead of free. You may want to use this if you use a memcache.
COMMAND=free | grep Mem | awk '{print int($7/$2 * 100.0)}'
# CPU Temperature alarm: requires lm-sensors installed and configured (check your distribution's guide)
# The regexp must be adapted to your configuration: run `sensors` in the command line
@ -136,6 +153,7 @@ ALARM_VALUE_MORE_THAN=80
REGEXP=Core 0: +\+?(-?\d{1,3}).\d°[CF]
# Fan speed alarm: requires lm-sensors installed and configured (check your distribution's guide)
# The regexp must be adapted to your configuration: run `sensors` in the command line
@ -144,3 +162,31 @@ DISABLED=True
REGEXP=cpu_fan: +(\d) RPM
# Check if a remote host is alive with Ping. You can replace the ip with a domain name (e.g. COMMAND=ping -c 1)
# Shows another approach: uses the return value to print a string. Leverages ping's ability to return different error codes:
# 0 = success
# 1 = the host is unreachable
# 2 = an error has occurred (and will be logged to stderr)
# We are throwing away stdout and replacing it with a custom text.
# If there is a different text (the stderr), something bad happened, and it will be reported in the mail.
COMMAND=ping -c 1 > /dev/null && echo "Online" || echo "Offline"
# Check if a webserver is running on port 80. You can replace the ip with a domain name.
# You can check different services changing the port number. Some examples:
# 80 HTTP Webserver
# 443 HTTPS Webserver
# 21 FTP
# 22 SSH
# 5900 VNC (Linux remote desktop)
# 3389 RDP (Windows remote desktop)
COMMAND=nc -z -w 3 80 > /dev/null && echo "Online" || echo "Offline"

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@ -112,12 +112,15 @@ class Main:
stdout = ""
ret =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
if ret.stderr:'{} subprocess stderr:\n{}', config.command, ret.stderr.decode())'{} subprocess stderr:\n{}'.format(config.command, ret.stderr.decode()))
if ret.stdout:
stdout = ret.stdout.decode()
self._log.debug('{} subprocess stdout:\n{}', config.command, stdout)
self._log.debug('{} subprocess stdout:\n{}'.format(config.command, stdout))
if ret.returncode != 0:
return 'subprocess {} exited with error code {}'.format(config.command, ret.returncode)
return 'the command exited with error code {} {}'.format(
'and error message "{}"'.format(ret.stderr.decode().strip()) if ret.stderr else ''
# Parse result with regex
match =, stdout, re.MULTILINE)