Daniele Verducci (ZenPenguin) aa844687c8 Ready for github publishing
2021-07-11 09:49:42 +02:00

98 lines
3.7 KiB

* Terminal interface.
* * @language: AVR ASM
* This file is part of Pat80 IO Devices.
* Pat80 IO Devices is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Pat80 IO Devices is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY * without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Pat80 IO Devices. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* This sketch allow an Arduino to be used as a terminal to log into Pat80.
* The Arduino is connected to the Pat80 I/O bus and to the terminal computer via USB.
* The Python Terminal Monitor or the Arduino IDE serial monitor is used to send
* and receive commands to/from the Z80.
* Seen from the Pat80, the terminal interface has two registers:
* DATA Register at addr 0x00 (\RS) contains the last received byte from the pc
* DATA_AVAILABLE Register at addr 0x01 (RS) contains the number of bytes in the buffer,
* waiting to be read from the Pat80. A READ operation on DATA register removes the
* byte from the buffer and decrements DATA_AVAILABLE.
// EN 2 // Input, Active low
// WR 11 // Input, Active low
// RS 12 // Input, low = DATA register, high = DATA_AVAILABLE register
// DATA BUS (Input/Output, active high): 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10;
byte incomingBuffer = 0; // Incoming from computer, to the Pat80
byte outgoingBuffer = 0; // Outgoing to computer, from the Pat80
byte availableBytes = 0; // Available bytes in the incoming buffer (for the DATA_AVAILABLE register)
void setup() {
DDRD = B00000010; // Port D (used arduino pins 2 (EN) and 3 to 7 (DATA)) is input. Avoid changing serial pins.
DDRB = B00000000; // Port B (used arduino pins 8 to 10 (DATA), 11 (WR) and 12 (RS) is input
Serial.println("Pat80 terminal");
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(2), onClk, CHANGE);
void loop() {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
incomingBuffer = Serial.read();
availableBytes = 1; // TODO: Implement a 256 byte buffer and store the avail bytes number in this var
if (outgoingBuffer != 0) {
if ((outgoingBuffer >= 8 && outgoingBuffer <= 13) || (outgoingBuffer >= 32 && outgoingBuffer <= 127)) {
// Printable character
} else {
// Non-printable character
Serial.print(outgoingBuffer, HEX);
outgoingBuffer = 0;
void onClk() {
// In any case, return to high impedance state
DDRD = B00000010;
DDRB = B00000000;
if ((PIND & B00000100) == 0) {
// EN is LOW: Clock pulse started
if ((PINB & B00001000) == B00001000) { // WR is HIGH (Pat80 wants to Read (we send data))
DDRD = DDRD | B11111000; // Port D (arduino pins 3 to 7) is output. In or to preserve serial pins and interrupt pin
DDRB = B00000111; // Port B (0,1,2) = pins 8,9,10 output
if ((PINB & B00010000) == B00010000) { // RS is HIGH: we send number of bytes available in buffer
// Split byte to two parts
PORTD = availableBytes << 3;
PORTB = availableBytes >> 5;
} else {
// Split byte to two parts
PORTD = incomingBuffer << 3;
PORTB = incomingBuffer >> 5;
incomingBuffer = 0;
availableBytes = 0;
} else {
// Pat80 wants to Write (we receive data)
outgoingBuffer = (PIND >> 3) | (PINB << 5); // Compose the final byte from the two parts