261 lines
8.1 KiB

#include <Z/constants/pointer.h> /* Z_NULL */
#include <Z80.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define CYCLES_PER_FRAME 69888
#define CYCLES_AT_INT 24
#define CYCLES_PER_INT 32
#define ROM_SIZE 0x8000 /* 32 KiB */
#define MEMORY_SIZE 0xFFFF /* 64 KiB */
typedef struct {
void* context;
zuint8 (* read)(void *context);
void (* write)(void *context, zuint8 value);
} Device;
typedef struct {
zusize cycles;
zuint8 memory[65536];
Z80 cpu;
Device* devices;
zusize device_count;
} Machine;
static zuint8 machine_cpu_read(Machine *self, zuint16 address) {
return address < MEMORY_SIZE ? self->memory[address] : 0xFF;
static void machine_cpu_write(Machine *self, zuint16 address, zuint8 value) {
if (address >= ROM_SIZE && address < MEMORY_SIZE)
self->memory[address] = value;
static zuint8 machine_cpu_in(Machine *self, zuint16 port) {
// Pat80 has 8 devices, decoded based on the 3 most significant IO addr bits.
// Note the Z80 has 16 bit address bus, but only the first 8 are used as IO addr,
// so the 3 most significant IO addr bits in this case are A7, A6, A5. The bits
// A4-A0 may be used by the single device, at its own discretion.
zuint16 bitmask = 7; // 0000000000000111
int decoded = port & bitmask;
if (decoded <= 0x1F) {
// Port 0 (0x00 to 0x1F): terminal
//return 'H';
return 0x00;
if (decoded <= 0x3F) {
// Port 1 (0x20 to 0x3F): sound card (sn76489)
printf("\nsound_cmd[IN]: Not supported!\n");
return 0x00;
if (decoded <= 0x5F) {
// Port 2 (0x40 to 0x5F)
printf("IO_ERROR_IN: No device at port 2\n");
return 0x00;
if (decoded <= 0x7F) {
// Port 3 (0x60 to 0x7F)
printf("IO_ERROR_IN: No device at port 3\n");
return 0x00;
if (decoded <= 0x9F) {
// Port 4 (0x80 to 0x9F)
printf("IO_ERROR_IN: No device at port 4\n");
return 0x00;
if (decoded <= 0x5F) {
// Port 5 (0xA0 to 0xBF)
printf("IO_ERROR_IN: No device at port 5\n");
return 0x00;
if (decoded <= 0x5F) {
// Port 6 (0xC0 to 0xDF)
printf("IO_ERROR_IN: No device at port 6\n");
return 0x00;
if (decoded <= 0x5F) {
// Port 7 (0xE0 to 0xFF)
printf("IO_ERROR_IN: No device at port 7\n");
} else {
printf("IO_ERROR_IN: Invalid port address: %#04x\n", port);
static void machine_cpu_out(Machine *self, zuint16 port, zuint8 value) {
// Pat80 has 8 devices, decoded based on the 3 most significant IO addr bits.
// Note the Z80 has 16 bit address bus, but only the first 8 are used as IO addr,
// so the 3 most significant IO addr bits in this case are A7, A6, A5. The bits
// A4-A0 may be used by the single device, at its own discretion.
zuint16 bitmask = 0xE0; // 0000000011100000
int decoded = port & bitmask;
if (decoded <= 0x1F) {
// Port 0 (0x00 to 0x1F): terminal
printf("%c", value);
} else if (decoded <= 0x3F) {
// Port 1 (0x20 to 0x3F): sound card (sn76489)
printf("\nsound_cmd[%#04x]\n", value);
} else if (decoded <= 0x5F) {
// Port 2 (0x40 to 0x5F)
printf("IO_ERROR_OUT: No device at port 2\n");
} else if (decoded <= 0x7F) {
// Port 3 (0x60 to 0x7F)
printf("IO_ERROR_OUT: No device at port 3\n");
} else if (decoded <= 0x9F) {
// Port 4 (0x80 to 0x9F)
printf("IO_ERROR_OUT: No device at port 4\n");
} else if (decoded <= 0x5F) {
// Port 5 (0xA0 to 0xBF)
printf("IO_ERROR_OUT: No device at port 5\n");
} else if (decoded <= 0x5F) {
// Port 6 (0xC0 to 0xDF)
printf("IO_ERROR_OUT: No device at port 6\n");
} else if (decoded <= 0x5F) {
// Port 7 (0xE0 to 0xFF)
printf("IO_ERROR_OUT: No device at port 7\n");
} else {
printf("IO_ERROR_OUT: Invalid port address: %#04x\n", port);
void machine_initialize(Machine *self) {
self->cpu.context = self;
self->cpu.fetch_opcode =
self->cpu.fetch =
self->cpu.nop =
self->cpu.read = (Z80Read )machine_cpu_read;
self->cpu.write = (Z80Write)machine_cpu_write;
self->cpu.in = (Z80Read )machine_cpu_in;
self->cpu.out = (Z80Write)machine_cpu_out;
self->cpu.halt = Z_NULL;
self->cpu.nmia = Z_NULL;
self->cpu.inta = Z_NULL;
self->cpu.int_fetch = Z_NULL;
self->cpu.ld_i_a = Z_NULL;
self->cpu.ld_r_a = Z_NULL;
self->cpu.reti = Z_NULL;
self->cpu.retn = Z_NULL;
self->cpu.hook = Z_NULL;
self->cpu.illegal = Z_NULL;
self->cpu.options = Z80_MODEL_ZILOG_NMOS;
/* Create and initialize devices... */
void machine_power(Machine *self, zbool state) {
if (state)
self->cycles = 0;
memset(self->memory, 0, MEMORY_SIZE);
z80_power(&self->cpu, state);
void machine_reset(Machine *self) {
void machine_run(Machine *self) {
z80_run(&self->cpu, Z80_MAXIMUM_CYCLES);
// void machine_run_frame(Machine *self)
// {
// /* CPU cycles before the INT signal */
// self->cycles += z80_execute(&self->cpu, CYCLES_AT_INT - self->cycles);
// /* CPU cycles during the INT signal */
// z80_int(&self->cpu, Z_TRUE);
// self->cycles += z80_run(&self->cpu, (CYCLES_AT_INT + CYCLES_PER_INT) - self->cycles);
// z80_int(&self->cpu, Z_FALSE);
// /* CPU cycles after the INT signal */
// self->cycles += z80_execute(&self->cpu, CYCLES_PER_FRAME - self->cycles);
// self->cycles -= CYCLES_PER_FRAME;
// }
zuint8 device_terminal_read(void *context) {
return 'H';
//return 0;
void device_terminal_write(void *context, zuint8 value) {
printf("%c", value);
zuint8 device_sound_read(void *context) {
return 0;
void device_sound_write(void *context, zuint8 value) {
printf("sound[%c]\n", value);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// Parse arguments
if (argc < 2) {
printf("Usage: %s [romFile]\n", argv[0]);
char* romFilePath = argv[1];
// Setup virtual Pat80 computer
Z80 pat80Cpu = {};
Machine pat80 = {
/*zusize*/ .cycles = 100000,
/*Z80*/ .cpu = pat80Cpu
machine_power(&pat80, Z_TRUE);
// Load ROM into memory
FILE *romFile;
romFile = fopen(romFilePath,"rb");
if (romFile == NULL) {
printf("Unable to open rom file at %s", romFilePath);
fread(&pat80.memory,ROM_SIZE,1,romFile); // load rom from file into memory, up >
// Declare system devices
Device patoTerminal = {
.read = *device_terminal_read,
.write = *device_terminal_write,
Device patoSound = {
.read = *device_sound_read,
.write = *device_sound_write,
Device patoDevices[2] = {
patoTerminal, // Port 0 (0x00 to 0x1F)
patoSound // Port 1 (0x20 to 0x3F)
pat80.devices = patoDevices;
pat80.device_count = 2;