Pat80 Operating System and Memory Monitor
This folder contains the Pat80 Operating System. It is a System Monitor that makes available also some system API to access hardware (monitor, sound, keyboard, parallel terminal...).
z80asm minipro (if you want to write to an EEPROM)
The os can be built issuing command make build
Two files will be generated:
is the rom file to be flashed on the eepromabi-generated.asm
is the file to be included in any Pat80 application to access system APIs (see in ../applications/)
The os can be written to an EEPROM with a minipro-compatible programmer issuing command make write
. This runs the build and then tries to write the rom to a MiniPRO.
The os can otherwise be runned in the emulator issuing command make run
. This requires to have the emulator executable already built (follow the instructions on pat80-emulator/
to build it).